Ashton has an inspiring story to share about his transformation and it’s not the 7.1% body fat loss and 30 lbs of weight loss. Find out more about how Ashton feels since he began this journey and how he broke the family cycle of obesity.
Roberto’s before/after pics speak volumes. He lost 5% body fat in 9 weeks. But, what’s more impactful is how much better he’s feeling. Learn more in his Ancestral Reset Testimonial.
Amy is a 40 year old mother of two. Read Amy’s interview to find out about the transformation she had in only 7 weeks!
Jon is a 49 year old husband and father of two boys who lost almost 3% body fat and 10 lbs during our 9 week Ancestral Journey. He managed to do this without having a working kitchen because his dishwasher flooded the kitchen right before we started. Jon is proof there are no excuses when you take personal responsibility.
Find out about how the Ancestral Reset had a positive impact on Leah’s body composition, business, marriage and auto-immune disease.
Levi is a 44 year old father of 5 children ages 4-14 who lost 7% bodyfat and almost 30 lbs during the 9 weeks of the Ancestral Reset. Read about his experience in this interview testimonial about the program.