Building or Burning that is the question?

Building or Burning that is the question? or getting over the guilt and getting back to work or whatever else you want to call it!!

For as long as humans have existed on planet earth, the cold and inhospitable climates of winter have encouraged our kind to bulk up and eat incessantly during the harvest season.  This tradition is still in existence today despite the abundance we enjoy all year round, the only difference is that now we eat out of obligation to the holidays and feel guilty about it.

I say “we,”  but in truth not everyone I know feels this way, especially not those that train hard and take meticulous care of their bodies and there's a pretty good reason for this too.  For starters I think its important to separate two distinct aspects of our physical bodies with regard to diet and exercise.

1- Is your Physical development, your raw physique  your functional athletic self.

2- Is your Body fat percentage.

These distinctions are important because when I hear people talk about losing all of the results they have attained in the gym, due to falling off the training wagon, and indulging in fine delicacies for a few weeks it tells me they have not made this distinction about themselves yet. 

Firstly this is because they are either too new to the training game or haven’t been training very effectively.  Those who train effectively, and are well developed know full well that time off and extra calories are just fuel for the engine, and that the good hard work they have put into their bodies will take care of them even with a little layoff.  Also its important to recognize that simply by stressing about overindulging, you are more likely to store your christmas ham as fat, due to the release of cortisol that stress brings about.  Cortisol is a stress hormone that we all release which can temporarily weaken our immune response and increase body fat storage.

Transforming your body into the legendary masterpiece you desire is not a part time summer job for high schoolers, it is a full time career, one that has no foreseeable retirement date.  The only solace I can give you about it is that it gets easier and more rewarding as time goes by to look and feel the way you want to with only slight adjustments to your behavior.

Making the distinction between physical development and body fat percentage is the important lesson here though because most people are rating their success with fitness on a body fat scale, which fluctuates regularly, while physical strength, power and muscular development takes longer to amass, but can last a lifetime, with only moderate upkeep.  This personal anecdote will help elucidate this point for me.

I’ve had a healthy obsessions with strength and health since the age of 15, and despite my love of all things healthy, I’ve always been on  the bulkier side of things, strength and size came easy, but cuts were hard to come by.  You know those kids in high school that do jack shi* and have a six pack…. well that was never me, though i knew a few of them and they certainly weren’t training like I was. It would seem, still today  that  my body loves to hover around 13% bodyfat,(a measurement you should acquaint yourself with if you check yourself out  in the mirror every time you pee).  Nonetheless i’ve have always had a pretty muscular physique and i just assumed having a six pack or being cut up was not in the cards for me. 

This all changed when my girlfriend (now baby mama) and I decided we must have candida overgrowth issues, because how could we not?  Afterall candida is a yeast in the large intestines which thrives on sugars and can out populate our healthy intestinal flora and cause a wide array of health issues.  Its preference for all things carbohydrate, is the main reason we suspected our selves to be victims.  The main way beat Candida is by starving it of its favorite food.  4 long weeks of no sugar and no carbs starts to really change you, a lot, mentally and physically,  and to really shake things up i decided to go for a 5 day liver detox afterwards, basically eating nothing, but drinking fresh juice and taking herbal teas and tinctures.  The whole experience was pretty hardcore and in the end i felt great, my body fat dropped to a miraculous  7% which  was astounding for me, and lo abs, cuts and all,  i even took some myspace mirror selfies to commemorate my success.  Bam!!

Anyway the purpose of this story was to make the point about body fat % vs physical development.  If your whole purpose in going to the gym  is to burn off the extra calories you ate during Christmas, or dessert last night  then you are working towards a goal which has no long term benefits, and  the moment you stop exercising is the moment you stop receiving the bounty that this form of training has to offer you.  Essentially this relationship to  exercise is the equivalent of living check to check without putting anything away for retirement.  Functional strength training pays the bills now and for all time, and  you may have noticed from my story that i didn’t mention exercise at all during cleanse, and i did very little,  it was all diet that transformed my body, thanks to all of the foundational strength and physique work i had already done.  To repeat that point….IT WAS ALL DIET!  Since we know you’re never going to kick the habit of indulging in holiday pies, you might want to focus your training efforts on developing something a little more timeless  than a lower body fat percentage.  And should you decide you want to shred some unwanted body fat, remember most of you are really only 5 or 6 weeks of strict dieting from being the leanest you have ever been, possibly even having a mean six-pack.  That said, enjoy yourself and continue to strive for improvements in your physical development, strength, your freedom in movement, and your passion for life!

Thanks for tuning in;

Brian Zerega
Strength Coach, and Bodyworker at 34 North Gym, Santa Monica Ca.

9 Natural Cold Remedies to Get You Through This Season

“I never get sick!” These are the famous words I often exclaim right before getting sick. The viral culprits hang out in invisible droplets in the air we breath and on the things we touch. With over 200 strains out there, they can make make you miserable on a scale of a-drippy-nose to phlegm-coming-out-of-your-eyes. Between the office and kids in preschool, exposure is pretty much inevitable and the best offense is usually a good defense. My first job at the age of 14 was in natural food and supplement retail, so I have a long history of experimenting with any remedy that dodges antibiotics and sugary lozenges.  Disclaimer 1: Links are for your convenience - I’m not an affiliate. Disclaimer 2: I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on the internet; these findings are based on my own self-experimentation. Here are my favorites:

  1. Echinacea/Golden Seal  Echinacea is extracted from the Eastern Purple Coneflower, found in North America. It is used to both prevent and reduce symptoms of colds and flus. It was commonly used by Native Americans and even adopted by early settlers before the boom of pharmaceuticals. Echinacea raises the body’s natural immune function by increasing white blood cell activity. This increases interferon and stimulates blood cells to take out the invading microbes. It’s often paired with Golden Seal, another Native American favorite used to boost the immune system and fight infection. Golden Seal can also be diluted and used as a gargling tincture to help sooth inflamed mucous membranes and facilitate healing. I prefer the liquid suspension in alcohol, but you can get it without. I don’t mind the taste but it sends some people into conniptions, so you might want to dilute it in a little juice. 

  2. Ascorbic Acid Yup, this is good old vitamin C, the oldest cold remedy on the block and the active ingredient in many products like Emergen-C. However, with pure high quality ascorbic acid, you bypass all the sugar, binders and artificial flavors that often come with chewable and other powdered versions. This antioxidant helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and bolsters the immune system. Because it is a water soluble vitamin, it is possible to mega-dose when starting to come down something at 1,000mg, several times a day. There’s a lot of recent pushback as to its efficacy, but it’s one that I feel really helps - especially in the early stages. If you take 1,000mg in plain water, be prepared to make an award winning bitter-face. 

  3. Oregano Oil This powerful antiviral contains carvacrol and thymol to help ward off many micro-organisms that are out to do you harm. It improves sinus congestion and will also help relieve a sore throat. Warning: if you put that liquid dropper right into your mouth, it will burn like the devil. If you dilute it in some juice, it is much more bearable but won’t taste anything like the marinara sauce you might expect. The mere suggestion of this remedy has instantly cured my daughter’s sore throat. Talk about a powerful placebo! 

  4. Garlic Another immune-booster, this superfood also has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal effects. As always, whole fresh foods are the best form to ingest. However, pounding a half a dozen crushed cloves a day just might end in divorce, the loss of your job, or both. There are some good odorless garlic tablets out there that will still leave a bit of an aftertaste or funky burp, but nothing close to the ensuing dragon breath of the raw or cooked variety. 

  5. Zinc Most colds symptoms derive from the rhinovirus that likes to hang out in your upper respiratory system. When taken in the form of a lozenge or syrup, zinc can help help prevent the virus from multiplying. Avoid the ones that are really just candy with some zinc added in. Zinc is also used as a fire-retardant in lumber, but keep using your fireproof suit when doing any stunts, regardless of how much you are taking for your cold. 

  6. Apple Cider Vinegar this stuff is one of those cure-all products that I can’t recommend enough. It’s a very powerful detoxifying and alkalizing food that helps steer the body away from the acidic state that cold viruses thrive in. Like many of these other liquids, you probably want to dilute it. Shooting a straight tablespoon will stop most people in their tracks. If your friends think they are tough when throwing back Jaegermeister or whisky, give them a shot glass of ACV and see how they fare. 

  7. Lots of Water Being sick does all sorts of things to your body to cause dehydration. Fever, coughing and sneezing are some of the less gross things that increase your need for more fluids. When your tank runs low, your immune system will be further compromised, so keep the water coming. I’ve found the best defense against dehydration is convenience, so get yourself a BPA free container to keep the fluids coming. 

  8. Sinus Rinse This is so old school, and so effective. A sinus rinse usually involves mixing a prepackaged saline solution with distilled water and using a delivery system to blast it in one nostril and out the other nostril. If you are congested, this will surely loosen everything from your nose, ears and throat. Not only will this help mend a sinus infections when avoiding antibiotics, but it will do wonders to avoid getting one in the first place. The cold and dry winter air often dehydrates your nasal passages, making them more vulnerable to allergens and other nasties that can sit there and eventually cause infection. If they are already impacted with snot, getting that stuff moving will reduce the chance of an infection and make you feel much better. I prefer the squeeze tube variety over the pot because it is easier to clean. The last thing you want to do is squirt mold into your infected or dry sinuses. Pro-tip: It’s kind of gross and doesn’t make for a good first-date activity. Pro-tip 2: Do it over a sink, not your silk couch. 

  9. Bone Broth Not only is this delicious and great for your joints, but a homemade stock contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur and tons of trace minerals - a.k.a. sickness fighting awesomeness. Primarily using pasture-raised chicken bones will also ensure a good dose of cysteine which helps to thin mucus so that you can get rid of it easier. Add some pepper and spice to it to increase the snot expiatory effect. Here’s a link on how to make it yourself, in massive quantities nonetheless. 

Elijah Szasz runs SPARK6, a digital creative agency for good and can be found here

The Importance of Routine Maintenance

If you drive a car you know it needs to be regularly maintained for it to get you where you need to go. Changing the oil, tires and brake pads are part of owning a vehicle.  Everyone accepts that routine maintenance is essential and a regularly tuned car can last indefinitely. I find it curious that this same principle is often lost in regards to our own bodies.

Some clients tell me they have low back pain, their knees hurt or their shoulders are tight. When I ask: “What are you doing to treat the condition? ” I am often met with puzzled stares or responses like: “I saw the doctor and he told me to let it rest for 3 weeks” or “My PT is working on it for me.”

These answers aren't necessarily incorrect, but many times the clients aren’t taking responsibility for their own condition. Very seldom when asking a new client about their injury history do I hear: “I do 15 minutes of mobility work per day” or “I did some research, found this great book on back pain and I have an appointment with my PT in so I can really see what’s going on.”

Unfortunately, it has become commonplace to neglect the maintenance of your body.

Cars are crude pieces of machinery compared to the complexity of the human body. So why do people assume that you don’t need routine maintenance for your body? Let’s focus on the philosophy and correct attitude needed to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

Our bodies are designed to move in a myriad of ways for very long time periods. Genetically, humans are made to move about 16 hours a day. Unfortunately in modern society, our bodies don’t move half as much as they should. Many of us spend long periods of time in comprised positions. This leads to poor physical performance and a much greater chance of injury. Working in an office, driving your car, and sitting on your couch for hours and hours a day wrecks havoc on your joints and soft tissues.

It is your responsibility to undo the damage from today’s modern lifestyle through daily practice. If you want to move well and live a long and active life, you need to take care of your body. Here are 3 tips to help you rediscover what moving like a human is all about.


People rarely wake up and think about the way they move. In your pursuit of movement mastery, prioritize moving from the best position possible.  Not just during exercise but for ALL movement throughout the day. This means learning the most efficient way to generate force while expending the least amount of energy.  Eliminate compromised positions to correct any movement “faults” you may have collected over the years.  It takes a conscious effort to be connected to your body.

Examples of conscious movement are: sitting up straight, walking and standing with your feet straight, and not extending your neck forward while typing on a computer. Correcting these simple faults will positively impact how your kinetic chain functions and the longevity of your joints and soft tissues.


Stretching for 30 seconds before jumping into explosive movement is a recipe for disaster. Learning how and when to mobilize your body gives you the tools to unlock your athletic potential. Watch videos, buy books, hire an educated trainer or physical therapist and talk to your training partners. Actively teach yourself and pursue a higher level of knowledge in regards to mobility. Set up a routine and stick with it. When you feel your range of movement increase slightly, modify your routine and progress towards a new goal. Always strive to improve yourself and never stop learning.


This is the big one. Choosing NOT to listen to your body is terrible. If you’re in pain while exercising and it increases as you keep moving, it’s because something is wrong and the problem needs to be addressed. Pain is your body telling you to STOP! Swallow your pride and listen before it’s too late. Your body is an amazing complex organism with the potential to heal from nearly any injury if nurtured properly. On the flip side, if you neglect it for too long, you’ll destroy it in a short number of years.

Our bodies were designed to move beautifully, be resilient, have full freedom of movement and perform whatever task we command. It’s your responsibility to care for your body and keep it pain free and happy.

It doesn’t matter if you are an elite athlete or you can barely touch your toes.  With the proper mindset and habits, you’ll get your body moving like it should.  You can take away back pain and even prevent serious injuries with some simple movements. But first you must pay attention to how your body feels and listen when it talks to you.

Focus the mind, strengthen the body and live a good life!

Dominate 2015 with 5 Steps to Achieving All of your Goals

Science says people who set goals are more successful.  However, not all goals are created equal.  How often have you set goals then not achieved them?

Why is that?  Could be a little thing called LIFE.

The baby gets sick, the tire on your car blows out, your boss is unreasonable….I could go on and on.   With all of the distractions in our day-to-day grind, it’s easy to lose track of our goals.

I have always had good intentions to achieve my goals, however I have consistently have come up short of my own expectations. Part of evolving as a person is development of self-integrity. This process involves taking a look at yourself and being honest in areas you have been inauthentic. It’s not an easy process but it feels good to be real and it’s exciting to conquer fear and accept new challenges.

Through my own personal process of setting goals for 2015, I realized what I was missing was being prepared enough to execute my process.

I’m sharing this because I don’t want you to fall into the same cycle as I did, because I truly care about your success and I want to share our successes together.

With that in mind, I offer you my 5 Steps to achieving all of your goals:

1. Identify your WHY – Take some time to understand why you REALLY want to achieve your particular goal.  Another way to frame this question is to identify the pain you will experience if you do not achieve your goals.  Example: Lose your house? Continue to be alone? Etc…

2. Write down your goals - Put them where you can read them daily. I have a journal that works well for me.   On your bathroom mirror is another great place. 

3. Focus on 4-6 goals using the SMART acronym - Many studies say the human brain can only effectively focus on 4-6 goals at one time.   SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timely.

  • Specific- your goals must identify exactly what you want to accomplish.
    • (NO) Example: More personal training clients
    • (YES) Example: 5 new clients at 34 North in Santa Monica by March 1st.
  • Measurable - Quantify the result. You want to know absolutely, positively whether or not you hit the goal.
    • (NO) Example: Make more money than last year
    • (YES) Example: Make 75k more than last year by Dec 31st  
  • Actionable – All goals start with an action verb (e.g., “Start,” “Dominate,” “Complete, etc.)
    • (NO) Example: Be a better Trainer
    • (YES) Example: Complete 2 new PT certifications in by Nov 28th
  • Realistic - “When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything.” ― Stephen Richards. Take this as an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone; however don’t shoot for goals that are not really achievable.
    • (NO) Example: Chief Editor for Men’s Health
    • (YES) Example: Write 2 blogs that are published in National Publications by Dec 2015.
  • Timely- Every goal must have a date for accountability. When do you plan to deliver on that goal? A goal without a date isn’t a goal, it’s a dream.
    • Lose 15 pounds
    • Hire Kevin Atkinson, 34 North Personal Trainer and Lose 15 pounds by March 1st, 2015.

4. Review often - Set a daily or weekly reminder on your calendar or in your phone to read and visualize achieving your goals – “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” - Tony Robbins

  • Share with trusted circle only – Only share with people who are 100% committed to helping you achieve your goals. This is crucial in your success.  You can share your goals with your 5 closest friends, your mentor, mastermind group, or business partner.  Set up a once a month meeting for review and accountability. Most importantly agree on a reward/celebration when you achieve your goals.

Are you feeling inspired? Prove it. Take action.

  • Step 1: Set a 1 hour appointment for this week on your calendar to start your 2015 goals.
  • Step 2: Email with your 2015 goals. If you do this I will make a personal commitment to you to check in with you to check on your progress. I will commit to accountability if you will.

Science says people who make consistent progress toward meaningful goals live happier more satisfied lives than those who don’t. What type of person are you?

Kevin Atkinson – Coach/Business Development at 34 North, BS Degree, Exercise Sport and Science, Oregon State University, NASM – CPT, Co-Founder at Renegade Roasting Co.

5 Steps You Can Take Today to Be Happier

At the end 2009 I lost my mojo. I was laid off at my high paying job of 6 years and I moved from Chicago to Las Vegas (Yes, Yes I know) to start a new business and live with my new business partner. We had a five bedroom house, a pool and rent was cheap. Sounds pretty amazing right?


My business partner wasn’t what I expected, my girlfriend left me, the business was failing and I lived in the middle of the dessert. There wasn’t a day I woke up and wasn’t full of sadness.

I had to search for happiness. 

As I sit here today and reflect, I am the happiest I have ever been, so grateful to live in beautiful Southern California, work as a personal trainer at 34 North in Santa Monica, and spend time with the most amazing people I could possibly imagine, I realize happiness is your choice. Everything is your choice.

 “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”  Abraham Lincoln

After a lot of research, speaking to other happy people and making a firm choice to commit to happiness, I use these 5 Steps to live a happy and healthy life.

  1. Write down 3 NEW things you are grateful for each day – Did you get to do something fun today you don’t normal do or did you give a stranger compliment you in line at the grocery store? Even little things can provide gratitude. I usually write mine down before I go to bed each night.
  2. Move for at least 30 minutes per day – This can range from a personal training session to a beach workout, bike ride or hike. The point is to get up and move. Personally, this is the most important one for me as exercise is so important to my confidence and mood.
  3. Journal everything you can remember about 1 positive experience that day – Be detailed. Describe this experience like you want to tell the world about your best day ever. Science says this will create stronger neuro pathways in your brain and release more serotonin next time you have a new experience.  This is easy to do when you write down 3 new things you are grateful for.
  4. Meditate – Five to twenty minutes alone with your breath, stress free.  The research says mediation will help you relax, improve your focus, put you in a better mood and even help you live longer. It’s definitely an acquired skill, so don’t get discouraged and most importantly stay consistent. You will see the payoff.
  5. Write someone a personal note praising them – This one has been the most gratifying for me and creates deeper, more meaningful relationships with people you care about.  This could be a 2-line email or a hand written note to someone expressing your gratitude for the role they play in your life.

My recommendation is to try and consistently do all 5 steps each day, however even 1 or 2 will make a big difference.

To kick things off I invite you to take the Happiness Challenge with me. I can’t think of a better way to start off the New Year than 21 days of happiness.

Here are the rules:

  1. Keep a journal with 21 consecutive days of completing all 5 steps
  2. Email when you start and when you end to with any questions or to discuss how things went!

Be Awesome and Happy!

Kevin Atkinson – Coach and Business Development at 34 North - BS Degree, Exercise Sport and Science, Oregon State University, NASM – CPT, Co-Founder at Renegade Roasting Co.

The Complete Blueprint for Homemade Bone Broth


So first of all, this isn't the same thing as the can or tetra box of broth you might have grabbed from your local grocer. No, not even Whole Foods. The off-the-shelf broth or stock is usually a watered down version that has been cooked at high temperatures, as opposed to the gelatin-loaded version we'll be concocting. One of the best parts of good bone broth is the collagen we'll be extracting from the bones. This includes glycosaminoglycans of which glucosamine is a precursor of. No doubt you've seen this stuff marketed on vitamin store shelves as a cure-all for joint problems. It's also loaded with minerals, calcium, chondroitin sulfite, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Here's a list of just some of the purported benefits of this elixir: 

  • Reduced overall inflammation, especially for joints or those with inflammatory or autoimmune disorders
  • Keeps your skin, hair and nails healthy and beautiful
  • Aids digestion and helps prevent and heal ailments such as leaky guy syndrome 
  • Provides the liver with glycine to help with the detoxification process  
  • More potent that most multivitamins you can buy 
  • Inhibits infection caused by cold and flu viruses 


So to really do this right, it's a bit of a pain in the ass in regards to time and overall messiness. That's why I make it in bulk and freeze anything that I don't plan on drinking that coming week. Here are the ingredients (all links are for your convenience, I'm not an affiliate). 



  1. Pre-heat your oven to 350F, take your bovine knuckles and rib bones and throw them on a baking tray lined with foil. Leave them in there for 30 minutes. You can skip this step, but it really brings out the flavor of the bones. Yum. Smells like pot roast. 
  2. Take those knuckles and bones out of the oven and toss them into your big 24 quart stock pot. Put in the 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and add filtered water until the pile of bones are about covered. Let sit for one hour. You can skip this as well, but the ACV leaches the minerals out of the bones to make this even more potent before cooking it. 
  3. While the bones are soaking in the ACV, chop up all your veggies. Just rough cuts like quartering the onions and chopping carrots into four or so pieces. If you have other stuff hanging out in your fridge to get rid of, now's a good time to search. I've thrown in a couple zucchini, chard, leeks and other veggies destined for the compost. 
  4. Leaving in the bones and apple cider vinegar, start filling the 24 quart stockpot with the filtered water and dump in your chopped onions, garlic, carrots, celery, parsley and herbs. Some people like to wait until the final couple hours of cooking to add their garlic, parsley and herbs. I figure I'll forget, so I just put them in now. Also add the chicken feet and get that water filled to as close to the top of the pot as you can while still being able to transport it to the stove. You can also start this on the stove and just pour the filtered water in from another container. This thing will get heavy. 
  5. Bring that bad boy to a low boil. This takes about an hour to an hour and a half. Add your salt, pepper and paprika. At this point, you can skim off any foam and impurities that are floating on the top that might affect the flavor. Turn it down to a simmer and cover. You want to slow cook this or you'll break down all the collagen and it won't gel up later. Put a lid on it and let it simmer for about 48 hours. I usually start this at night, so after 48 hours, I'll turn it off before going to bed two days later and then by the morning, it's cooled enough to package up and put in the fridge/freezer. 
  6. Pull that beast off the stove, if possible. If you can, put the 24 quart stock pot in the sink and your smaller stock pot nearby (or in second sink if you have one), with the strainer resting over it . 
  7. Give the filled pot a good stirring with a big wooden spoon, and then using the small saucepan with the pour spout (or a small pot or measuring cup), start scooping out broth and pouring it through the strainer and into the smaller pot. 
  8. When the strainer gets filled, just dump the contents back into the 24 quart stockpot with rest of broth -we'll deal with that later. When the smaller pot starts getting filled with the strained broth, pour it into your 2 gallon mason jar with the tap, or other container that you plan on storing in the fridge and repeat this process until your container(s) is about filled. 
  9. Take one of the gallon freezer bags and fill it with broth using the tap on your mason jar. Don't fill it all the way so that you can easily zip it closed while pushing the air out. Make sure it's totally secure before laying it down. 
  10. Repeat this process until you can no longer effectively scoop broth out of the 24 quart stock pot. Reach in and grab any of the big knuckles and whole bones that you can, throwing them away. 
  11. Pick up the 24 quart stock pot and slowly pour the contents through the strainer. When the strainer becomes full, reach in and give that gunk a good squeeze and stir to force and remaining broth through the strainer. Dump the veggie pulp and smaller, soft bones in the garbage or garbage disposal. Repeat this process until the 24 quart stock pot is empty. It's best to keep this moving. If you start/stop, the gelatin will start to separate and stick in the pot and your and the fats won't be very evenly distributed in your various containers. 


After removing the bones and veggie pulp, this should yield you between 4 and 5 gallons of broth. 

  • When the broth cools, even at room temperature, fat and gelatin will create a thick top layer and stick to the side of the container. Some people feel inclined to skim this off, but these are good, healthy fats. I give the container a good shake before dispensing a cup, and even spoon out a scoop of gelatin from the top to add to my serving. 
  • Don't microwave this stuff. We worked hard to make this very nutrient-rich, so let's not nuke that away. If you put a cup in a small saucepan, it only takes 2 minutes to heat on your stove.
  • There's a chance you might get a lot of gelatin in your broth, to where it doesn't even come out the spout of the mason jar. Good for you! In that case, just use a soup ladle to get it out. 
  • To defrost the frozen storage bags, I usually let the whole thing sit in a big pot for the afternoon or until it's slushy enough to get out of the bag and refill my tapped mason jar. 
  • A hot cup of bone broth is a great way to start your day. I have it upon awakening, only after drinking some water. If the acidity of coffee bothers your empty stomach, try having this first. A pinch of sea or truffle salt for extra flavor is also really nice and it makes a great workout recovery drink. My daughter drinks it with her breakfast every morning, but tell the kids it's chicken soup unless they're into monikers that sound a bit medieval. 

For those of you who are more visual, here's the start-to-finish process. It's long. Like the length-of-an-actual-cooking-show-long. However, my very cute daughter makes a cameo, gets disgusted by the chicken feet and I do a shot of apple cider vinegar. Enjoy. 

Elijah Szasz runs SPARK6, a digital creative agency for good and can be found here

A Santa Monica Personal Trainer Can Ensure that You Do Fitness Right

Most people enter into an exercise regimen to lose weight and get into shape. It’s an admirable goal, but unfortunately, some end up not eating right or foregoing healthy meals altogether, just to speed up the weight loss process. Eating right is still a huge part of the health equation. If you are still gaining weight despite your dieting and exercise, then you may have to rethink your current weight loss program. It may be time to change it or consider the help of a personal trainer to act as an accountability partner. A personal trainer in Santa Monica can help to layout a healthy balanced plan of action and can inspire you into making realistic goals.

When it comes to losing weight and being healthy, replacing square meals with unhealthy snacks is definitely not the way to go. The best personal trainers promote the consumption of real food and the avoidance of all types of processed food. They can advise you on what to eat and how to manage your eating habits to maximize the benefits you get from your workout regimen. Chronic snacking is just one of the many pitfalls people fall in to when beginning a new workout regimen, old habits die hard. The good news is, is that they die quickly when you have an encouraging, committed personal trainer to watch your back.

Some 45% of consumers, globally, say they use snacks as meal replacements. Roughly 52% say they sometimes replace breakfast with a snack; 43% replace lunch with a snack and 40% replace dinner with one. Consider: 91% of consumers polled say they snack at least once a day. And 21% are snacking three to four times daily — the majority being women.

Perhaps the best benefit to gain from a personal trainer is the push they are able to give their clients when they’ve lost the motivation to stick with their exercise program. Qualified personal trainers can provide structure and accountability to help you develop a healthy lifestyle through a diet and exercise regimen that you can stick with.

What it all boils down to is this: you’ve taken the first step, now it’s time to follow through. You owe it to yourself to do what's best for your long-term fitness goals, so contact a Santa Monica personal training location and get ahold of a certified personal trainer who can help you reach your goals today.

(Source: Americans Snack Differently than Other Nations, USA Today, Sep. 29, 2014)

Get Physical in Santa Monica Gyms: Exercise Improves Mental Health

Maybe you’re thinking of hitting workout gyms in Santa Monica to strengthen your biceps, flatten your belly, or tone your thighs. Maybe you want to exercise to ward off illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases. However, did you know that committing to a good exercise routine also improves the mind? Harvard Health Publications reports on this little known fact:

"There's a lot you can do to prevent cognitive decline, or slow it down, or to recover memory function that you might feel you have lost," says Dr. John Ratey, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain (2008). The secret? Regular exercise.

A lot of research suggests that exercising moderately and regularly stimulates brain regions involved in memory function to release a chemical called brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF).

BDNF rewires memory circuits so they work better. "When you exercise and move around, you are using more brain cells," Dr. Ratey says. "Using more brain cells turns on the genes to make more BDNF. 

"My older patients do say they feel sharper," Dr. Ratey says. "They feel that they're remembering things better. I do think there is evidence for that."

Dr. Ratey’s statements offer solid proof that a person's ability to process and recall information is greatly enhanced by good health habits. When you exercise your body, you exercise your brain. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to use exercise to enhance brainpower:

  • A brisk and intense workout can quickly improve blood flow to the brain. Good exercises to do include running in place, squat bends, or a short and fast jump rope session.
  • Taking up a new workout routine that involves fancy footwork and/or hand-eye coordination can help improve your concentration skills. Sports like tennis, table tennis, and badminton are good examples.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of exercise or understand programs that address all aspects of fitness; if you just need to know how you can get the most out of your time in the gym or simply start a quality exercise regimen that you can stick to, feel free to visit popular Santa Monica gyms and talk to one of their certified personal trainers.

(Source: Get your heart pumping in the fight against forgetfulness, Harvard Health Publications, May, 2013) 

How to Stay in Shape with No Equipment

The Holidays are here once again!  The time of year when fitness goals are often compromised and in some cases, disappear completely. Many people view their fitness as all or nothing and during the holidays this method of approach will only backfire. The holidays bring food (usually in ridiculous amounts), drinking (usually in similarly ridiculous amounts) and travel.

It’s a sinister recipe for undoing all your hard work in the gym and putting on a fair amount of weight. But it doesn't need to be this way. Follow these simple steps to enjoy the holidays and still stay in shape.


It’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah and yes, you are going to eat food that is not on the diet plan. The world is not going to end. Consuming some simple sugar and gluten will not transform you into a carb-craving monster. Just make sure you don’t overindulge in the foods you love. Eat your holiday meal in all its glory but then get right back on your diet. Do not let the holidays become “holi-weeks” or “holi-months.”

A week before Thanksgiving and Christmas take seven days and make yourself a superhuman, eat extremely clean and exercise every day with no exceptions. Also during this time consume no alcohol and make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. This will help shed some body fat and drop a few pounds before you gorge yourself on stuffing and gravy. If you are unsure as to what clean eating looks like, please see my last article: Nutrition Hacks


Make exercise a priority during the holidays, the more you move while cheating, the less weight you’ll gain. Regardless of travel or being with family and friends make sure to exercise at least once per day. I also recommend walks several times a day to ensure that your body is using up all the extra calories. Also, walking after meals aids in digestion and can be a fun, healthy way to hang with the family.

For those of you traveling for the holidays and without access to a gym, below are five workouts the can be done with zero equipment. Before performing any of the routines below please remember to practice your flexibility and mobility drills for 5-10 minutes. Do not just jump into one of these routines without properly getting your body ready for exertion or injury may occur.

Also keep in mind that when training, your focus should always be on producing quality movement, not trying to do as many half-ass reps as you possibly can in the allotted time. The emphasis is quality not quantity. If you are not familiar with the exercises listed below, please consult with a personal trainer before performing the routines.

Happy Holidays!  I wish you the best in your training.  If any of you have any questions regarding the movements or programming please feel free to contact me at any time.

Body Weight Workouts


A1. Single arm push up x1/1

A2. Pistol Squat x 1/1

X 10 sets

B1. HBH x 45sec. (hollow body hold)

B2. Bridge x 3@5sec.

X 5 sets

  • Take rest as needed between exercises and sets. This routine should take about 25 minuets to complete.
  • If the exercises become too difficult to perform with proper technique, digress to a more basic movement.


A.  Speed squats x 10 sets @ 40:20

B.  Push up x 10 sets @ 20:10

C.  Leg raises x 10 sets @ 30:15

  • This Circuit is based on the Tabata method, which means that there will always be a 2:1 work to rest ratio. After completing all sets of one exercise rest for 2 minutes before starting the next exercise.

Muscle Endurance

3 mile run: at every quarter mile perform 10 jumps squats and 10 push ups. Do not rest after completing the strength exercises, immediately start jogging again to reap the full benefits of this training protocol.

  • To minimize wear and tear on your lower body joints pay particular attention to how you foot strikes the ground. When striking the ground the foot should be totally straight and your weight should gracefully transfer from the ball to the heel of the foot.
  • If 3 miles is too aggressive a distance, this workout can easily be scaled. Simply subtract a mile or half mile

Abs & Glutes

A1. Single leg hip bridge x 10/10

A2. HBR X 20 (hollow body rock)

x 4 sets

B1. Cossack squat x 10/10

B2. Plank x 30 sec.

x 4 sets

C1. Donkey kicks x 15/15

C2. V ups x 10

x 4 sets

  • Use power breathing with the abdominal exercises for this workout. Always keep tension in the stomach muscles to protect the lower back and maximize the benefit of the movement.

Whole Body Blast

A1.Jump squat x 20

A2. Push ups x 15

A3. HBR X 20

A4. Calf raise x 15

A5. SL hip bridge x 10/10

A6. Panther crawl x 20 sec.

Repeat this routine AMRAP in 25:00 (as many rounds as possible), rest as needed

Let a Santa Monica Personal Trainer Coach You on Kettlebell Drills

While there’s no easy way to shed excess pounds in a matter of days, POPSUGAR says that kettlebell exercises pack quite a punch. According to the American Council on Exercise, a 20-minute long kettlebell exercise can burn as much as 400 calories per day, which is close to the 500-calorie daily target fitness experts say must be achieved to drop one pound every week. Here’s a fine example of a kettlebell exercise:

  •  Stand with your feet slightly wider than hips-width distance apart.
  • Place a light- to medium-weight kettlebell in your left hand, come into a half squat, and swing the kettlebell in between your legs. Be sure to keep the back flat, engaging the abs, with your weight back in the heels. Stabilize your shoulders by sliding your shoulder blades down your back and toward your spine.
  • Thrust your hips forward, squeezing your glutes to swing the kettlebell forward so your arms are parallel with the floor as you stand up. Grab the kettlebell with the right hand, squat down, and swing the kettlebell between your legs again.
  • Quickly swing the kettlebell forward, coming to a stand. Remember, the movement comes from your pelvis, not your arms.

 The entire routine may seem simple enough, yet people are still advised to be take extra care when performing kettlebell exercises. For instance, adopting the wrong spinal posture or progression of movement in a kettlebell swing will place unwanted strain on the back, potentially causing serious injuries.

For these reasons, it is best to work with experienced personal trainers who can advise clients on maintaining proper form and developing a solid fitness plan that maximizes the benefits involved in these exercises. A place like 34 Degrees North, for instance, provides top-notch personal training in Santa Monica, California and employs fitness coaches who can create specific kettlebell workouts that address individual fitness needs.

Aside from the sheer amount of calories they can burn, kettlebell exercises strengthen the posterior chain and core muscles (i.e. the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back) as well. They also help define the upper back and shoulder muscles, especially if the kettlebell is regularly swung overhead.

At any rate, the most important thing is for people to be motivated to start exercising in the first place. Burning 400 calories a day sounds like a tall order, but an experienced Santa Monica personal trainer can help clients maximize the gains from every workout and monitor their fitness progress at every step of the way.

(Source: The Total-Body Kettlebell Move You Need to Try, POPSUGAR, October 27, 2014)